FreeHostia Forums

What is the host name?
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Author:  Ulrich [ Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  What is the host name?

Sorry for asking such a simple question but I really searched your forum without finding the answer. Maybe I am not using the right technical terms. So what I mean with "host name" is the following: At the moment I have hosted my domain with another service. I have registered with Freehostia and uploaded some files, but my registrar is still with the old host. I just want to try out stuff with Freehostia. So how can I access my files? I tried but this does not work. Or is it Please tell my, many thanks.

Author:  bbanev [ Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the host name?


I would suggest that you open a ticket from your account's help center so that we can assist you further. You can access your account from:

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