FreeHostia Forums

Registered with mistyped email address
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Author:  cupcakesbyabigail [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Registered with mistyped email address

Hello Mods,

I am experiencing the same problem with some of the guys in the previous threads. A few weeks ago, I registered to try and experience your chocolate account for my domain - Unfortunately, I mistyped my email address. I can no longer remember my typing mistake but my email is supposed to be cupcakesbyabigail(at)

I am trying to create a new account for my domain but I am having the error message "1046: This domain already exists in our database! Please choose another domain."

Is it possible if you could please correct my email on file, or remove the domain so I can register correctly, or possibly forward the welcome details to my correct email?

Thank you in advance!

Author:  shanevic7 [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

Andy wrote:
Please write to our email address regarding this issue. It's as follows:

{email: "support at freehostia dot com}

Looking forward to hearing from you.

your great andy you always helped me :)


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