FreeHostia Forums

Account blocked
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Author:  vlad [ Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Account blocked

hello! I am the beginner of your service, was only registered, and isn't glad any more that made it. My account vlavla58, registered the domain, anybody against wasn't I expected check, loaded files on the ftp (perhaps it was impossible) then was blocked. I wrote to support at freehostia, but I wasn't helped plainly. Told that my domain can't be registered. Why at once nobody warned? If you can't help me,can't unblock, return my money or change my domain on more suitable for you. Thanks
- These actions you only push away people from use of your hosting

Author:  Miles [ Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Account blocked


Your payment has been refunded already as explained and details for the refused account registration has been provided personally to your email. This domain and account can not be used in our system at all.
Feel free to find different service provider for your domain.

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