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Why does FTP only work
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Author:  jhurilla [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Why does FTP only work

Why does FTP only work on my computer from home but not at school? For some reason, my laptop disables FTP access when I plug in to my college's Ethernet network. But at home, where I am on DSL wireless, I can FTP fine. At school, I can FTP from other people's computers, but not my own for some reason. I've tried all sorts of internet explorer settings to get it to work at school. Does anyone know what's wrong?
market samurai ~ marketsamurai ~

Author:  widwool [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

In this situation I would advise you to download the last version of FIleZilla to your computer and to try again to access your hosting account using it. You are able to download the FIleZilla FTP client from here:

Also please assure that the connection to your hosting account is not blocked by your computer Firewall or Antivirus program.

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