FreeHostia Forums

1031: Invalid Domain! Please try again
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Author:  ranmali [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  1031: Invalid Domain! Please try again

I hv tried to create a free domain name using freehostia. Bt always it shows the following error message
1031: Invalid Domain! Please try again by using only small letters and 0-9 numbers, e.g. :(

eg: I tried like this :-

Bt when I tried like this it gave me a chance to create domain. Bt it asks money for register. eg:-

Pls help me 2 solve this.


Author:  widwool [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 


Our supervisors have decided to stop the creation of new subdomains in our system for all of our hosting packages, because we receive many abuse reports for phishing / scam sites registered with our (.freehostia) free subdomains.

Therefore you have to register a new domain for your account or to transfer an existing one to it. This can be done via Control Panel Register / Transfer menu which is placed in the left blue sidebar (under the Upgrades section)

If you have any other questions or problems, please let us know.

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