FreeHostia Forums

Additional administrator login
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Author:  tonmen [ Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Additional administrator login

Dear members,

Is it possible to have an additional administrator login? If so, can I restrict this administrator access for a specific host?

Problem: I'm not being able to manage all the hosts and its content. I want to share previleges with another administrator for a specific group of hosts but I'd like to be sure it will not allow access/rights to other hosts.

Thanks in advance,

Toni Meneses

Author:  widwool [ Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Additional administrator login

tonmen wrote:
Dear members,

Is it possible to have an additional administrator login? If so, can I restrict this administrator access for a specific host?

Problem: I'm not being able to manage all the hosts and its content. I want to share previleges with another administrator for a specific group of hosts but I'd like to be sure it will not allow access/rights to other hosts.

Thanks in advance,

Toni Meneses


I am afraid that it is not possible to create another user for your hosting plan with us.

If you have any other questions or problems, please let us know.

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