FreeHostia Forums

Shopping cart supportivity?
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Author:  JafferS [ Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Shopping cart supportivity?

Is there anyone could tell me if the free hosting account support any shopping cart, like magento, zen cart? I know it support osCommerce, but I am not planning to use that. Also, I would like to know if the free hosting account support/provide SSL & SSH? If not, how can I get them? Thanks a bunch

Author:  bsavov [ Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shopping cart supportivity?


Our free hosting plan supports shopping carts such as Magento and Zen Cart.
To have SSH you will need to have paid hosting plan and the SSH feature purchased separately.

Note that you are more than welcome to create a free hosting plan and test our services. You can also open a ticket form such account and provide more information on how you plan to use omegle and xenderSSL so we can assist you further and provide more accurate answer on this matter.

Best Regards,
Damon Felix

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