FreeHostia Forums

Domain hosting and redirection options?
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Author:  MahilaT987 [ Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Domain hosting and redirection options?


I registered the domain with you, but I've changed my mind and want to keep my blog on Blogger. I plan to use Blogger to "host" the domain, so that redirects to the new domain, and the new domain points to the blog on Blogger.

My question is, can I have a floating domain with custom CNAME and A records? Or do you require the domain to be parked or hosted?

Author:  bsavov [ Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Domain hosting and redirection options?


If you want to point a domain to another provider you shouldn't be parking the registration since such setup will not work. Your hosting account has DNS records section where you can add the CNAME and A records for your host.

If you have more questions or if you need further assistance, please open a support ticket from the corresponding hosting account so we can provide timely responses and investigation of your specific cases.

Best Regards

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