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Backing up my SQL database and moving it to another site?
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Author:  EzraCaleb [ Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Backing up my SQL database and moving it to another site?

Hi, after 1 year with Freehostia, I'm moving over to a host with more to offer me.
This means I need to backup a lot of things and reupload them on my new site, however, how can I easily backup my SQL database on Freehostia and save it to a file to later reupload on my other (cPanel) site?

Author:  Miles [ Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Backing up my SQL database and moving it to another site


You can take a backup of your database using the phpMyAdmin application accessible via a click on phpMyAdmin icon in the account Control Panel > Databases > MySQL Databases menu.
1/ When you open phpMyAdmin you will see the database name on the top of the left side frame.
2/ Click on it to select the database.
3/ After that a tab named Export would be listed at the top.
4/ Go to that tab and use the wizard options to select your file and to take a backup to your computer.

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