In a simple data communication system, terminals and other remote I/O devices are linked with one or more central processors to receive input data and capture output information. Connecting equipment and software, sometimes referred to as interface elements, are used to bridge the different physical and operating environments that exist between I/O devices and central processors.
Some possible DDP configurations are:
Star DDP Network: A central host computer(s) communicates and controls a second level of satellite or node processors. These nodes in turn communicate with I/O terminals.
Hierarchical Variation of Star DDP Network: Here the central host
Web Design Los Angeles computer (s) is still linked to regional node processors but these regional nodes may, in turn, act as hosts to subordinate small processors.
In addition to proceeding local applications, the small third level processors may support local-level intelligent terminals. NICNET has adopted this configuration with some variation.
Ring DDP Network: It is a no-host ring arrangement of communication equals. Each ring processor may have communicating subordinates, but within the ring, there is no master computer.