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When did modern web development stray from css to javascript
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Author:  istoeva [ Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When did modern web development stray from css to javasc


Please note that this is a forum for our hosting and in general we do not offer web developing services or have the knowledge to answer most of the questions on this matter. You might find more information in web developers' forums instead. Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,

Author:  Billy3 [ Fri May 27, 2022 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When did modern web development stray from css to javasc

I've been self-learning html/css/js for almost a decade now and I can say I'm decent at css (css3 made it fun). I can write a (good enough for personal use) responsive website with or without libraries/frameworks. My go to would be jekyll+sass+js, my js is good enough for DOM manipulation and some logic but not on node/react/etc level.
But when it comes to job (jr web dev) hunting, I always die during the js test. Reading this gives me hope that it's possible, but also frustrates me for giving up and for not trying more at the same time.

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