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Web Design vs Development
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Author:  James99 [ Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Web Design vs Development

I'm taking Web Development classes to earn a career and technical certificate in Web Development which is only 3 classes: Web Development I & II and Digital Art. I figured I'd start here and take more classes if I enjoy and excel at those later on.

So, as I'm going through WebDev 1 and Digital Art, I LOVE the art class which is mostly photoshop and illustrator. I loved the WebDev class UNTIL we started doing a lot of programming, like building weather and to do apps. I really enjoyed the building websites portion of the class. My original goal was to learn to code (and design?) websites.

I'm not quite talented enough to be a graphic designer as far as drawing or anything like that goes but feel like I could strengthen in that area and I do enjoy html/css, just not intensely like with programming. So I guess my question is...where does this lead me?

I'm just trying to find my niche. I feel like I'm very close, but I have so many ideas that it almost feels impossible so I'm just trying to narrow down on the most realistic approach so that I can succeed.

Going through Web Dev has taught me I do belong on the more creative side of things. I'm just not sure where to begin or what to really study to strengthen my skills. What jobs or career are out there? What does Web Design entail?

I hope this all made sense. Thanks in advance for any's very appreciated!

Author:  bsavov [ Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Web Design vs Development


Please note that this is a forum for our hosting and in general we do not offer web developing services or have the knowledge to answer most of the questions on this matter. You might find more information in web developers' forums instead. Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,
Damon Felix

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