FreeHostia Forums

How to create XHTML form?
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Author:  Thawang365 [ Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  How to create XHTML form?

Create an XHTML document with checkboxes for apple (30 rupees each), orange (10 rupees each), and banana (5 rupees each), along with a submit button. Each checkbox should have its own onclick event handler that adds the cost of the selected fruit to a total cost. Additionally, include textboxes to accept quantity for each item.

The event handler for the submit button must produce an alert window displaying the message "Your total cost is Rs xxx," where xxx is the total cost of the chosen fruit, including a 5 percent sales tax. This handler should return 'false' to avoid the actual submission of the form data.

Could you please assist me in creating this document with the specified functionalities?

Author:  bsavov [ Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to create XHTML form?


Please note that this is a forum for our hosting only.
You might find more information in web developers' forums instead.
Thank you for your understanding.

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