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Wordpress: Twitter plugin failing
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Author:  druguete [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Wordpress: Twitter plugin failing


i've just created a domain with a chocolate plan and the wordpress script installed. I'm trying to configure the Twitter plugin (the default one) but it does not work. It says: "Could not retrieve tweets." as you can see in the image below

I've tried the "Twitter Tools" plugin, but it doesn't work neither.

Any help?


Author:  Jimmy [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wordpress: Twitter plugin failing


I will have to inform you that for your hosting plan which is Free there is no outgoing connection services included and your scripts are not able to reach the remote Twitter servers. You will need to upgrade to a paid hosting plan in order your scripts to reach remote servers. Would like to let you know that if you upgrade your hosting plan you will obtain the following benefits:

- no file size limit (500 KB with the free plan)
- outgoing mail servers - SMTP ON
- detailed visitor and traffic statistics
- access and error logs
- remote connections (ability to use RSS feed readers, etc.)

I am kindly advising you to take a look on our wide range of hosting plan offers at We believe you will find there affordable plan that is meeting your needs.

Best Regards,
Jimmy Thompson

Author:  druguete [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wordpress: Twitter plugin failing

Ok, i get it. Thought i could achieve all my needs with the free plan, with the idea of a future upgrade.

Thanks for your reply. Kind regards

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