I will tell you in basic steps how to install your PHPbb 3.0.0 Forum in basic steps.
1. Go to
http://www.phpbb.com/ and download the latest stable release.
2. Unzip your file onto your desktop
3. rename the main folder to "forum"
4. Using and FTP upload the files.
3. Next you need to run the install file. You can do this by pointing your web browser to the install file. It can be found at
4. You will be asked to fill out a few questions.
Database Server Hostname : mysql3.freehostia.com
Your Database Name: This is the name of the MySQL database you wish to store the phpBB information in.
Admin Email Address: This is usually your e-mail address
Domain Name: Yoursite.com - it should pre-fill correctly
Server Port: This is usually 80 - it should pre-fill correctly
Script path: This changes based upon if you put your forum in a subfolder or not - it should pre-fill correctly
The next three fields: Administrator Username, Administrator Password, and Administrator Password [ Confirm ] are used to setup the first account on the forum, the one you will login to to administer the forum, make posts, etc. These can be anything you want, but be sure you remember the values.
BEFORE you Click the button at the bottom to continue, go into your control panel and go the the install folder
Create a file called php.ini and place this in it
register_globals = Off
mbstring.http_input = pass
mbstring.http_output = pass
Save the file and go back to the install page and click on Continue.
Everything should be working fine, and should have another button at the bottom of the page to continue.
This How To is incomplete