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 Post subject: User Avatars in Profles and "Contact Us" form Prob
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:42 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:34 pm
Posts: 4
Location: Fuhgeddaboutit, New York
How can I make this possible? I have downloaded and installed all of the modules related to imageCache, FileField, ImageField, I have installed Gravatar, and I have just about tried everything I could to get this to work and to no avail. I have read the tutorials/documentation on how to do this, and that still doesn't work. Some of them required editting the htaccess file as well as a "template.php" file in my themes folder, I don't have a template.php in my theme folder, and I tried editting the htaccess file as well and that didn't work either.

At one point, the space for the image would show up as well as the dimensions for it, but the image wasn't in there, and after I have changed something else, (and changed it back because it was giving me Interna Server Errors) even that won't show up. All I wanted to do was to have the user avatars for the profiles, and to have them show up in comments and other postings.

I didn't want to resort to downloading all of these mods, because of the space, and bandwidth. I was very careful to download the mods for the version that I am using, and still they do not work. I am beginning to think that these mods are just a waste of time and space, but I know that that is just my frustration and inexperience talking. If it were possible to use an external link to an image (like you can with the avatars here) rather than having to upload (which doesn't seem to be working) then that would be perfect.

Is there anyway I can make this happen? Is there anyway I can set it up so that profile images are using external links instead of them being uploaded? I was able to set up the profile url with no problem, and I would really like to do this with images as well. This is what I wanted to do all along, but I only resorted to modules because I saw that there was no option for that.


Also, I am having a problem with the Contact Us form, the email seems to go through, but no email is received as the address the contact form is set up with. I have tried this on yahoo, aol, msn and gmail, and nothing works.. and I have checked the junk folder, and nothing was in there.

Is there anyway I can fix this? If not, is there a mod I can download that actually works for this?

The software I am using is Drupal 6.4

Thanks in advance for the help.


 Post subject: Re: User Avatars in Profles and "Contact Us" form
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:21 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:14 pm
Posts: 308
Location: Barrie On Ca
Hard to say, i've never used Drupal, but here's some guesses...

At one point, the space for the image would show up as well as the dimensions for it, but the image wasn't in there

It may have been working fine, but one minor thing...
hotlinking is not allowed on the free service, so if your link looked like:
<img src="" >

it may not show, where:
<img src="/images/avatar.gif" >

would work fine.
here's a trick, If you can get it back to that point, open a second window directly to

if it works only while the second window is open(it will show because it's being cached by your browser), then it's a hotlink problem.

Also, I am having a problem with the Contact Us form, the email seems to go through, but no email is received as the address the contact form is set up with. I have tried this on yahoo, aol, msn and gmail, and nothing works.. and I have checked the junk folder, and nothing was in there.

The free service does not allow mail to be sent.

I'm curious what was in your .htaccess file

i see there is no template.php for Drupal 6, that was used up until version 5, so somethings off there, but
a quick google search for:
Drupal "no template.php"
came up with this:
and a few other good answers.

good luck

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